Ашер Д 136 (Spijkenisse, Netherlands)

Дополнительная информация:

год рождения: 2020, ряд: Д8

Ашер ищет настоящий дом. 
Ещё несколько месяцев назад Ашер был смешным маленьким комочком и у него было все отлично. Целое лето у Ашера был дом, миска еды и семья. Какая-никакая, но семья. И вот, лето в Москве кончилось, а Ашер подрос. Наступила мокрая холодная зима. И хозяева Ашера решили, что с них хватит. Они отпустили малыша гулять и не позвали его обратно. Несколько недель щенка видели во дворах жилых домов, детских садов и окрестных школ. Он искал их - свою семью, ждал, что его заберут домой. А жители пытались найти хозяев бедного малыша. Когда стало невыносимо холодно Ашер пытался греться в метро, но и оттуда его гнали, потому что не положено. Так Ашер оказался в приюте. Веселый, активный, домашний мальчик теперь живёт в холодном уличном вольере и учится выживать. Он не  привык, не знает как себя вести и постоянно получает затрещины от взрослых собак. Мы ищем Ашеру дом, где больше не предадут, где будут любить и заботится о нём.

Он очень хочет домой, очень хочет любить, быть преданным, верным, единственным.

Ашер 8 месяцев, чипирован (643094100697611), кастрирован, привит, внешне здоров.

+79032083776 Яна

Asher D 136
Asher is looking for a real home.
A few months ago, Asher was a funny little lump and he was doing great. Usher had a house, a bowl of food, and a family all summer. And so, summer in Moscow ended, and Asher grew up. A wet, cold winter has come. And the owners of Asher decided that they had had enough. They let the kid go for a walk and did’nt call him back. For several weeks, the puppy was seen in the courtyards of residential buildings, kindergartens and surrounding schools. He was looking for them - his family, waiting to be taken home. And the inhabitants tried to find the owners of the poor kid. When it became unbearably cold, Asher tried to hide in the subway, but they drove him out of there, because he wasn’t supposed to. So Asher ended up at the shelter. A cheerful, active, home boy lives now in a cold outdoor aviary and learns to survive. He isn’t used to, doesn’t know how to behave and constantly gets slapped from adult dogs. We are looking for a home for Asher where he will no longer be betrayed, where he will be loved and taken care of.
He really wants to go home, he really wants to love, to be faithful and unique.
Asher 8 months old, microchipped (643094100697611), castrated, vaccinated, healthy.
+79032083776 Yana


Дополнительная информация: , год рождения: 2020, ряд: Д8

Контакты волонтёров и график работы Кожуховского приюта

Добавлено: 06.02.2021 | Alla | Просмотры: 956 | Комментарии: 1

Рейтинг: 5.0 из 5

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Комментарии (1)
Asher D 136
Asher is looking for a real home.
A few months ago, Asher was a funny little lump and he was doing great. Usher had a house, a bowl of food, and a family all summer. And so, summer in Moscow ended, and Asher grew up. A wet, cold winter has come. And the owners of Asher decided that they had had enough. They let the kid go for a walk and did’nt call him back. For several weeks, the puppy was seen in the courtyards of residential buildings, kindergartens and surrounding schools. He was looking for them - his family, waiting to be taken home. And the inhabitants tried to find the owners of the poor kid. When it became unbearably cold, Asher tried to hide in the subway, but they drove him out of there, because he wasn’t supposed to. So Asher ended up at the shelter. A cheerful, active, home boy lives now in a cold outdoor aviary and learns to survive. He isn’t used to, doesn’t know how to behave and constantly gets slapped from adult dogs. We are looking for a home for Asher where he will no longer be betrayed, where he will be loved and taken care of.
He really wants to go home, he really wants to love, to be faithful and unique.
Asher 8 months old, microchipped (643094100697611), castrated, vaccinated, healthy.
+79032083776 Yana
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