Зевс Д 148 (Germany)

Дополнительная информация:

год рождения: 2017, ряд: Д9

Самый царственный из своих собратьев, обладатель самого длинного и большого носа.
Характер у него совсем не грозный, как у древнего бога, зато выдержки и скромности ему не занимать. Когда вырастет, Зевс станет повелителем овчарок.

Он просто идеал. Вот если Вы мечтали о собаке, то именно о такой.
Он невозможно умный. Очень чувствующий человека, славливает каждую вашу эмоцию и чувство. Он станет собакой, которая только ваша, родная. Которая будет с гордостью идти около ног и заглядывать в вообще лицо влюблёнными блестящими глазками.
Раньше мы всегда говорили Зевсу, что все закончится. Что если он постарается, семья найдётся.
Но он старается изо всех сил. А мы уже ничего ему не обещаем.
Зевса очень сильно нужно в семью. И именно не дом. Ему важна семья. Его любимый человек. С которым он пойдёт вот так, с опущенным хвостиком, а потом как распушит.
Зевс он ведь ребёнок. Ему не нужно ничего объяснять, для того чтобы он разуверился в своих чувствах. Ему сейчас так больно и одиноко. Холодно и противно. От соседки пахнет страшным ветблоком. Волонтеры все, мокрые и грязные, занимаются щенками. А он ничего не может поменять. Только смотрит своим длинненьким носом куда-то вдаль решёток. В какую ту непроглядную глубину.
И верит, до конца верит, что все поменяется.
Помогите пожалуйста не разрушить мечты одной собаки. Такой тихой, ласковой, нежнейшей собачки. Которая верит в людей. Ведь щас так мало тех, кто в нас верит.
Зевс, 2.5 года, 60 см в холке, очень худенький(не болезнь!), нежнейший, аккуратнейший, умнейший, волшебный, родной и любимый мальчик. Кастрирован, привит, чипирован. Ладит абсолютно со всеми животными. Он космический, честно. Столько добра и любви, вселенской мудрости.

Здоров, привит, кастрирован.
Чип № 643110800015352
Дата рождения январь 2017. В приюте с 21.02.2017

8(916)833-71-54 Настя
8(903)208-37-76 Яна
8(916)758-92-83 Наталия


Zeus D 148 

The most regal of his brothers, the owner of the longest and largest nose.His character isn’t at all formidable, like an ancient god, but he doesn’t lack endurance and modesty. When he grows up, Zeus will become the lord of the shepherd dogs. 

He's just perfect. Now, if you dreamed of a dog, then he is this one.He's impossibly smart. A very sensitive person, praises your every emotion and feeling. He will become a dog that is only yours. He will proudly walk near your feet and look into the whole face with shining eyes in love.
Previously, we always told Zeus that everything would end. That if he waits enough, there will be a family to take him out.
But he tries his best to all guests and potential families. And we no longer promise him anything.
Zeus is very much needed the family. Not a house, but family is important to him. His beloved person. With whom he will go like this, with his tail down, and then he will fluff it up.
Zeus is a child. He doesn’t need to explain anything in order for him to lose faith in his feelings. He's so lonely right now. Cold and disgusting. His neighbor smells terrible. All volunteers, wet and dirty, are busy with puppies. And he can't change anything. He only looks with his long nose somewhere into the distance of the gratings. Into what that impenetrable depth.
And he believes, until the end, believes that everything will change.
Please help me not to destroy the dreams of one dog. Such a quiet, affectionate, gentle dog. Who believes in people. After all, right now there are so few of those who believe in us.

Zeus, 2.5 years old, height is about 60 cm, very thin (not a disease!), the most gentle, neat, smartest, magical, dear and beloved boy. Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped. He gets along with absolutely all animals. He's cosmic, honestly. So much kindness and love in him, universal wisdom. 

Healthy, vaccinated, castrated.
Chip No. 643110800015352
Date of birth January 2017. In the shelter since 21.02.2017 

+7 (916) 833-71-54 Nastya
+7 (903) 208-37-76 Yana
+7 (916) 758-92-83 Natalia

Дополнительная информация: , год рождения: 2017, ряд: Д9

Контакты волонтёров и график работы Кожуховского приюта

Добавлено: 15.04.2020 | Alla | Просмотры: 1045 | Комментарии: 1

Рейтинг: 5.0 из 5

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Комментарии (1)
Zeus D 148 


The most regal of his brothers, the owner of the longest and largest nose.His character isn’t at all formidable, like an ancient god, but he doesn’t lack endurance and modesty. When he grows up, Zeus will become the lord of the shepherd dogs. 

He's just perfect. Now, if you dreamed of a dog, then he is this one.He's impossibly smart. A very sensitive person, praises your every emotion and feeling. He will become a dog that is only yours. He will proudly walk near your feet and look into the whole face with shining eyes in love.
Previously, we always told Zeus that everything would end. That if he waits enough, there will be a family to take him out.
But he tries his best to all guests and potential families. And we no longer promise him anything.
Zeus is very much needed the family. Not a house, but family is important to him. His beloved person. With whom he will go like this, with his tail down, and then he will fluff it up.
Zeus is a child. He doesn’t need to explain anything in order for him to lose faith in his feelings. He's so lonely right now. Cold and disgusting. His neighbor smells terrible. All volunteers, wet and dirty, are busy with puppies. And he can't change anything. He only looks with his long nose somewhere into the distance of the gratings. Into what that impenetrable depth.
And he believes, until the end, believes that everything will change.
Please help me not to destroy the dreams of one dog. Such a quiet, affectionate, gentle dog. Who believes in people. After all, right now there are so few of those who believe in us.

Zeus, 2.5 years old, height is about 60 cm, very thin (not a disease!), the most gentle, neat, smartest, magical, dear and beloved boy. Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped. He gets along with absolutely all animals. He's cosmic, honestly. So much kindness and love in him, universal wisdom. 

Healthy, vaccinated, castrated.
Chip No. 643110800015352
Date of birth January 2017. In the shelter since 21.02.2017 

+7 (916) 833-71-54 Nastya
+7 (903) 208-37-76 Yana
+7 (916) 758-92-83 Natalia
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