Этна Б 120

Дополнительная информация:

год рождения: 2018, ряд:

Этна Б 120

Этна - небольшая по размерам собачка, была домашней, но волею судеб оказалась в приюте.
Жила в бабушникой квартире с такими же бедолагами. После смерти старушки попала в приют.

Этна - не собака, это друг и компаньон. Она не потеряла веру в человека, за то что предали, она тянется к нему и готова поддерживать его во всем.

Если вы активный и любите спорт, то она готова составить компанию в пробежке, если любите спокойное время перед телевизором, она будет лежать рядом, подставляя своё пузо для почесушек.
Она будет будет ждать вас пока вы на работе, а вечером встретит обнимашками и целовашками.

Этна подстроится под Вас, подарит свою любовь и преданность. С другими животными не конфликтует, активная и любознательная. Очень нежный ребёнок ждёт своего хозяина с нетерпением. Ей не место в приюте, ей очень сложно без человека.
Ходит на шлейке, знает город.

Примерный возраст март 2018. Привита и стерилизована. Рост в холке 45 см.

+7 (985) 298-19-66 Светлана Клим
+7 (916) 850-01-07 Елена


Etna B 120

Etna is a small girl, she was a home dog, but by the will of fate she ended up in a shelter.

She lived in a grandmother's apartment with the same poor fellows. After the death of the old woman, she got in an shelter.

Etna isn’t a dog, she is a friend and companion. She didn’t lose faith in a human, for being betrayed, she reaches out to everybody and always ready to support anyone in everything.

If you are active and love sports, she is ready to keep company in a jog, if you like a quiet time in front of the TV, she will lie nearby, showing her belly for scratching.

She will be waiting for you while you are at work, and in the evening will greet you with hugs and kisses.

Etna will adjust to you, give her love and devotion. She doesn’t conflict with other animals, she is active and inquisitive. A very gentle girl is looking forward to her master. She has no place in a shelter, it is very difficult for her without a man by her side.

She walks on a harness, knows the city (Lyubertsy).

Estimated age March 2018. 

Vaccinated and spayed. 

Height at the withers 45 cm.

+7 (985) 298-19-66 Svetlana Klim

+7 (916) 850-01-07 Elena


Дополнительная информация: , год рождения: 2018, ряд:

Контакты волонтёров и график работы Кожуховского приюта

Добавлено: 17.07.2020 | Светлана_Клим | Просмотры: 910 | Комментарии: 1

Рейтинг: 5.0 из 5

Комментарии (1)
Etna B 120

Etna is a small girl, she was a home dog, but by the will of fate she ended up in a shelter.She lived in a grandmother's apartment with the same poor fellows. After the death of the old woman, she got in an shelter.Etna isn’t a dog, she is a friend and companion. She didn’t lose faith in a human, for being betrayed, she reaches out to everybody and always ready to support anyone in everything.If you are active and love sports, she is ready to keep company in a jog, if you like a quiet time in front of the TV, she will lie nearby, showing her belly for scratching.She will be waiting for you while you are at work, and in the evening will greet you with hugs and kisses.Etna will adjust to you, give her love and devotion. She doesn’t conflict with other animals, she is active and inquisitive. A very gentle girl is looking forward to her master. She has no place in a shelter, it is very difficult for her without a man by her side.

She walks on a harness, knows the city (Lyubertsy).

Estimated age March 2018.

Vaccinated and spayed.

Height at the withers 45 cm.

+7 (985) 298-19-66 Svetlana Klim

+7 (916) 850-01-07 Elena
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